to the World
About the Dogs
Going with a QuarterBack
Never Cry
Mr. Snowman
The Ocean
Senses working Overtime
Dogs In Traffic
Dogs in Traffic (DIT) was an important
early 1980's band on the Boston scene. They played exciting venues such as
basements, garages, churches, colleges and clubs. They were once almost
thrown out of a club because a certain guitarist was not yet 18!
Pretension was the order of the day. The lyrics make very little sense, employing for the most part, non-sequitors that convey the most obscure meaning. The author of many of the songs, (also the master of this page) explained in a recent interview with himself:
We were, or I was, interested in deconstrucing pop music. At the time, the 80's were about odd sounds and bouncy hooks. It was a reaction against the pomposity of late 70's super groups. We, or I, wanted to deconstruct the whole mess into something meaningfully empty. You see, our music was very sophisticated. The chords and harmonies were unusual, using quit a bit of "pedal point" in the bass, with interesting chord changes above it. We used lots of altered and diminished chords. We also played quite a few instrumentals, that is "no words". You can hear in those pieces just how well we played. However, the lyrics were designed to make people nod their heads and say "wow, how deep". There was, of course, nothing to the words. We or I just tried to find the most pompus, pretensious lyrics that sounded deep. We, or I, wanted to show how shallow everything was. The interesting thing though is that in writing the lyrics, I searched my own life for images. And so the shallow songs took on great personal depth, even if their meanings were obscure to anyone else. So, while I was DECONSTRUCTING I was also CONSTRUCTING.
And so it goes, "constructing while deconstructing", a typical DIT construction. They were a "vocally poor" band. They played better than they sang, though they did sing sometimes in fine harmony. One member often hummed along into his mike. It was annoying. Or was it on purpose?
(1983) (click hear to listen)
Written after a roommate who read GQ
mag. This is a studio recording The original lyrics (slightly different
than on lis recording were:
sox are boffo
Pierre Cardin is Law.
A cravat by valentino
Sahara is the best I ever saw.
A fifty dollar shoe lace is an absolute necessity or else my friends who own the
club will pick me and toss me in the street.
must be in fashion.
A toothbrush and a comb by Calvin Klein.
I am going to look smashing.
I 'll look so swell just like the preppy boys.
Don't you see I must have it.
How else will I know what's going on.
I'll just die if I don't gucci Lip gloss.
I am going to buy: GQ, GQ, GQ.
(a good part of the above repeats. Here are the lyrics that were used in
live performance):
I must die in
Hail Hail Hail to the awsome Ralph Loren.
Jordache Death Shroud
At least at end, I was always in.
with a Quarterback (1983)(Click to listen)
One of the most
requested songs.
It's about going out with a quarter back.
Listen to the interesting bass line in the refrain. This is a studio
Snowman (1982)(Click to Listen)
Written after a
snow storm came and went, melting my snowman. This is a live recording. This was
also a dance favorite. The lyrics require a gloss:
Canadian, it's so you cannot defend | a trip to canada with another group. lots of unjustified behavior. |
The badges pinned on you just have to stick in. | girlfriend who wore lots of buttons and badges. Did they really stick in. |
Imported ribbon that just isn't so long. We got the record to your favorite song. | same girl, lots of ribbons. some from canada. Yes, we could play any song you wanted. Just give us the record and we will learn it. |
Hello then, Mr. Snowman. I'm gone when you're around. | I fashioned you, oh snowman, but I am never home to see you. |
Ice melts your c-c-cold heart away. | Another girl, cold heart. Ice could melt my snowman's heart. Nothing could melt hers. |
I'll pick your nose right off of the ground | After the melt, I could still pick up the carrot nose off of the ground. The girl left nothing. |
And if you try to make it last, thoughts you cannot defend | Nothing lasts forever, so don't even think about it. |
And if you try to take a stand, (something pompus) | Don't try to fight back. I don't know the rest of the lint, but it was probably something pompy |
Flying Dogs go Down the drain | We were in a bad creative period |
Coming up on days of rain | We played better in the rain. Or we came up from the basement when it rained. Maybe both. |
Garter belts and dirty words | refers to the rock horror picture show and the band photographer who dressed as "frank-n-furter" |
Don't you think your parents heard | This is not what you think, so get your minds out of the gutter. This refers to having your poor parents hide in their room while DIT played. |
This is a live recording of one of the most requested songs in the repetoire. The music is quite complicated. Listen to the guitar on the off beats. Remember, NO synthesizers were used. Those are people playing! Listen to the chord harmonies on the refrain as well. The singing is kind of stinky, but then, what a stink! A gloss is necessary to understand the the ridiculous (or is that touching) words:
In the city lynn, they will not let you in | The saying is" Lynn, Lynn the city of sin. You never come out the way you come in". But this refers to not being allowed into a famous bar because some were not of age |
If you play with fire, I'll be your favorite fire. | There was a fire in lynn that night. The philosophy was: If there is an event, stick it in the lyrics. |
(refrain)And if you fall, you can paralyze you mind, never cry | If you fall you could crack your head and die. Don't cry if that happens. Aren't we soooooooo deep???? |
I'll dry up all you tears by licking up you fears | Girlfriend cried alot. Tears cold be tasted during consolation hug. |
Then you'll look around, waiting for the cheers (hooray) | We always looked for applause for any good deed |
Ocean(1981)(Click to listen)
Don't forget! Dogs was a GREAT cover
band. This is a small sample of our version of Led Zeppelin's "the
working overtime(1981) (click to listen)
Our cover of the song by XTC.
This is only a small section.
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